The Mac & Forth Show 060 - Scrap It?

This week Ric returns and joins Barry and Karl to discuss the weeks Apple related news. Mark Chappell(EssentialMac & The Rampant Mumberlings Podcast) and Dr. Richard Harkness (Human V2) also drop by to join in the discussion. Well, I use the word discussion lightly and you probably know if you’ve ever listened before. Anyway, they sink their teeth into the weeks stories including what might be the most ridiculous piece ever.

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The Mac & Forth Show 059 - U.K.a-Ching

The excitement of Apple’s WWCD 2015 Keynote is behind us and so we settle down to poke through the announcements and see what they might mean. Are they as impressive as they appear and are we looking forward to trying out the new apps and services? Karl is still a little disappointed there was no new Apple TV but you can’t have everything. BarryMatt and Karl are joined by Mark Chappell (EssentialMac & Rampant Mumberlings Podcast) and Russ Clewett (The AirWaves Podcast) to share their thoughts and opinions of Apples road map for the coming year.

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The Mac & Forth Show 058 - The WWDC 2015 Predictive Quiz

With less than a week to go until this years WWDC we once again flex our predictive muscles and try to gaze into our crystal balls to see what Apple might have in store for this coming Monday. Matt takes the role of QuizMaster, so he doesn’t squirm so much when we ask him questions, and grills Barry and Karl who are joined by Mark Chappell (EssentialMac & Rampant Mumblings) and Adam Christianson (The MacCast) to see who knows most. Also, you, our dear listeners, can collectively challenge us by heading to our online quiz page. The results will be posted shortly after the events keynote.

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